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Change Your Ways, Reduce Your Risk: 7 Tips for Preventing Diabetes

Tuesday, December 27, 2016 5423 Views

Change Your Ways, Reduce Your Risk: 7 Tips for Preventing Diabetes

Piggybacking the obesity epidemic, diabetes rates continue to surge. On June 10, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new and alarming statistics on diabetes. An estimated 29 million Americans have the disease, a nearly 12 percent increase from the 26 million diabetics in ...

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How to Help a Child With a Bad Cough and Phlegm

Tuesday, December 27, 2016 6684 Views


Your child may have a productive cough, which is one that brings up phlegm. Your child's cough may be particularly acute after a bacterial respiratory infection, a bout with the flu or another virus. Other causes of a particularly severe cough include sinus infections that drain into the throat, allergies and asthma. If a cough occurs with a cold or the flu and lin ...

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Does Caffeine Trigger or Treat Headaches?

Friday, December 23, 2016 5855 Views

Caffeine can be a headache trigger or headache inhibitor. Caffeine can be found in beverages, chocolate and even in some popular over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers.


Before a headache or migraine, blood vessels tend to enlarge. Because it contains “vasoconstrictive” properties that cause the blood vessels to narrow and restrict blo ...

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Kid-Friendly Foods for Better Eye Health

Friday, December 23, 2016 6990 Views

Kid-Friendly Foods for Better Eye Health


When you’re exploring resources to help your child overcome the challenges of learning disorders, it’s important to be aware of the connection between vision and diet. Visual processing disorders have complex origins, but providing your child with the necessary nutrition for eye health is one straightfor ...

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Seven Ways to Naturally Get Rid of Your Sore Throat Quickly

Thursday, December 22, 2016 7133 Views

Seven Ways to Naturally Get Rid of Your Sore Throat Quickly


Unless you happen to have been very lucky in the past, the chances are that at some point in your life, you will have felt the effects of a sore throat. Sore throats and colds and flu’s go hand in hand with one another, but still, a sore throat can strike at any time, even if you haven’t ...

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