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Foods to Avoid When You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 6856 Views


Know What to Avoid Diabetics have higher than normal levels of blood sugar. Over time, this may result in heart attacks and strokes, kidney failure, nerve damage and blindness.

Diabetes also can lead to blood circulation problems and amputations. A healthy diet for diabetes will help you manage your weight and lead you toward foods that have a positive effect ...

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Signs of a Healthy Baby

Thursday, January 04, 2018 8333 Views

Signs of a Healthy Baby

Even if you fear you don't know the first thing about newborns, after a few weeks with your own little darling, you start to hear a difference between his hungry and tired cries.

Do you wonder if your little one is eating enough, sleeping enough, and on track for all those important milestones? Check out these easy-to-spot signs that prove ...

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How to reduce cough at night?

Wednesday, October 04, 2017 6620 Views

How to Reduce Cough at Night ?

Nighttime coughs can be sleep-wreckers. The key is to soothe your ticklish throat and over-sensitive airways before you go to bed.

Drink herbal tea with honey. Get into the habit of having a mug of non-caffeinated tea before bed. "Any warm liquid can help break up mucus in your airways," says Norman H. Edelman, MD, chief medi ...

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Curry Leaves Remedy for Diabetes

Tuesday, October 03, 2017 8515 Views

Curry Leaves Remedy for Diabetes

A study published in Chemico-Biological Interactions states that due to its rich mineral reserves like those of iron, zinc and copper, curry leaves are important in maintaining normal glucose levels in blood. These minerals activate beta cells of pancreas that are responsible for the production of insulin hormone. Curr ...

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Exercising Safely With Diabetes

Monday, September 25, 2017 6266 Views

Exercising Safely With Diabetes

The most common concern people have about exercise and diabetes is how to keep their blood sugar levels from getting too high or too low. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

Exercise at the same time every day, if possible. This will help you find out how exercise affects your blood sugar. Check your blood sugar before exercis ...

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